Snax appears! She's an Internet AIDS vampire. Her bite drains your normalfaggotry, makes all your posts fail-posts and gives you 999 ping. Your tastes also become shit.
Snax has braces and a terrible lisp. She gets mad over vidya and is a babby on the internet. Prone to bouts of buttmad and is 100% the cancer killing everything. Loves The Hoff, but only in 2D or dakimakura-form.
Early designs for Snax and other characters. One girl eventually became Alice in April & May & June.
One of Snax's evil demon generals. They all share large witch hats and large/multiple eyes as a theme.
Two humans. They are incredibly scary Yankee Girls who prey on innocent demon girls in the underworld.
They're good at video games and making girls cry. They get Snax PLATINUM MAD.